Flare is the blockchain for data, providing developers with secure decentralized access to high-integrity data from other chains and the internet
Claim AirdropFlare is a layer 1 EVM-based blockchain that has 2 core data acquisition protocols, the State Connector and Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO).
The Flare protocols, how they work and what they can do.
When to use Flare, Songbird and Coston.
Our source code repositories.
Support the safety of the Flare network.
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Flare is an EVN smart contract platform with two enshrined data acquisition protocols
Offers highly-decentralized price and data to dapps on Flare, without relying on centralized providers.
Enables information from other blockchains and the internet to be used securely and trustlessly on Flare.
Wallet | Amount | Hash | Time |
Use Flare's core protocols to build safer bridges
Build dapps and protocols that works from any connected chain
Trustlessly trigger smart contracts with data from Web2 APIs.
Trustlessly trigger smart contracts with data from Web2 APIs.
Flare integrates an industry standard EVM with low carbon consensus alogrithm.